Bakewell Parish Church

The Church of England in the Heart of the Peak District





A wedding is one of life’s great moments, a time of solemn commitment as well as good wishes, feasting and joy.

Christians believe that marriage is a gift from God and it is intended by God to be a creative relationship, as his blessing enables husband and wife to love and support each other in good and bad in a self-sacrificial way, putting the needs of your partner before your own.

For Christians, marriage is also an invitation to share life together in the spirit of Jesus Christ. It is based upon a solemn, public and life-long covenant between a man and a woman, declared and celebrated in the presence of God and before witnesses.

The marriage ceremony gives you a new legal status as husband and wife and a new stability within which your relationship can flourish and grow. Christians believe that marriage offers the right place for the fulfilment of our sexuality and that it provides a stable and secure environment for bringing up children.

Why Get Married in Church?

A marriage service, wherever it is held, is a public declaration of love and commitment to your partner. By choosing to get married in church, there is an added dimension – the assurance that God cares about your relationship and that his resources and strength are available to help you. Including God in your marriage doesn’t mean that you will avoid all the usual ups and downs, but you will know that you can look to God for help and guidance and that his love will sustain you. You will also have the support and encouragement of the Christian Church family.

The Parish Clergy of Bakewell welcome your enquiry and promise a user-friendly approach in ensuring that you see your marriage preparation as a happy and memorable time. They will guide you in the choices you will want to make around the timing of your service and the necessary preparation before your wedding day.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get married?

The law entitles you to be married in the Church of England Parish Church where either of you lives. If you are an active, worshipping member of another church congregation, it is usually possible to be married there.

From October 2008, you can be married at All Saints, Bakewell or St Anne’s, Over Haddon if you can demonstrate some connection with either – for example, if you used to live in the parish, or if you were baptised or confirmed here, you have a family connection with the church here, or used to be an active member.

If you don’t live in the parish, but are on the electoral roll, you can be married here. To qualify for this, you’re expected to attend church services for six months before applying for membership.

In certain circumstances you can apply for a Special Licence. At the moment you can only have a Church of England wedding in a parish church or some other place of worship – normally one licensed by the Bishop. It is not possible to have your church wedding in other venues like a hotel, or a hot air balloon!

What are the legal requirements?

You must have your banns read out in church for three Sundays during the three months before the wedding. This is often done over three consecutive Sundays. Banns are an announcement of your intention to marry and a chance for anyone to put forward a reason why the marriage may not lawfully take place. Banns need to be read in the parish where each of you lives as well as at the church in which you are to be married if that is another parish.

If you are under the age of eighteen, you must have your parents’ consent to marry.

There are special guidelines on church marriage if you have been divorced: see the separate question on this issue.

How much will it cost?

Weddings are expensive as you will probably already have found out! The cost of the marriage ceremony in church is divided between the legal fees, which cover the publication of the banns, certificate of banns (if necessary), the marriage service and a certificate of marriage, and the charges set by the church. These cover payment to the organist, verger and use of the church. There are also charges if you decide to have bells and the church choir. The fees must be paid prior to the day of the wedding.

The current fees and charges for a marriage service within the parish are to be found at the bottom of this page.

What if one of us is divorced?

The Church of England teaches that marriage is for life. It also recognises that, sadly, some marriages do fail. The Church accepts that, in exceptional circumstances, a divorced person may marry again in church during the lifetime of a former spouse.

The Bishop of the Diocese of Derby has issued guidelines to follow for clergy who may be willing to conduct such a marriage in church, if it appears following these guidelines that a marriage in church would be appropriate.

The parish priest will want to talk to you frankly about the past, your hopes for the future and your understanding of marriage. Please note that remarriage in church is not an automatic right. If it is not possible for your proposed marriage to take place in church, your priest may consider other alternatives with you, such as a Service of Prayer and Dedication after a civil ceremony.

How can I change my passport name before I get married?

If you are planning to change your surname after your marriage and would like to travel on your honeymoon with it, you can collect a form PD2 from the post office and bring it to the minister conducting your ceremony to sign.

Planning the Wedding

Can I choose what kind of service I want?

You can choose to have a modern language service or one in more traditional language. Either service will contain one or more readings from the Bible – the clergy will help you select the most appropriate reading from quite a wide range of suitable passages. There will also be after the Marriage a place for prayers, which you may help to choose, or you may like to write your own.

It is possible for family members or friends to read, or lead the prayers. There is also the opportunity to include a non bible reading and people to sing or play musical instruments.

When should we have a rehearsal?

A wedding rehearsal is held in church usually during the week of the marriage service, and a convenient date and time will be discussed with you. At the rehearsal you should try to have the Best man, Bridesmaids and the person who is ‘giving away’ the Bride present, if possible. This is a time to walk through the service and put you all at ease – we wouldn’t normally rehearse the words. The fees should be paid no later than this time.

Bridesmaids and page boy

Do we need to have them? No, is the simple answer! If you are having some, then there are no set numbers. Bridesmaids are there to tend to the needs of the bride throughout the service, for making sure that your dress is arranged properly, and to ‘wait’ on you. The Bride will pass her bouquet to the chief bridesmaid at the beginning of the service and if she is wearing a veil, a bridesmaid would normally help to take it back at the beginning of the service. Traditionally you once made your vows with the veil over your face, in case the groom changed his mind! Now, you take your veil back at the beginning of the service to make sure the groom is marrying the right person!

A page boy could carry the wedding rings into church on a cushion, handing them over to the best man.

Best man

He will be there to assist the Groom. Tradition held that if the Groom failed to appear the Best Man was obliged to marry the Bride! It is possible to have more than one best man. A best man should remember to untie any rings from a cushion, or take them out of the box before handing them to the priest!


The vows today reflect the equal commitment to partnership and responsibilities within a commitment to love and cherish one another. It is still possible for a Bride to include the word ‘Obey’ in her vows, but don’t do it for tradition’s sake! If you wish to discuss this, please mention it to the minister. If the bride does say ‘obey’, the Groom will promise to ‘worship’ the Bride.

Ushers and seating

It is helpful if you provide two ushers who will welcome your guests and assist people as they arrive. Ushers should be present forty minutes before the wedding and distribute the booklets for the service and buttonholes. They will also escort people to their seats. It is traditional for the family of the Groom to sit on the right side of church as you walk in, behind the Groom. The family of the Bride sit on the left, with a space saved for the person ‘giving away’ the bride. However, you do not have to follow this tradition, especially if one family is very small.

Photographers and video

It is normally possible to have a video recording of the ceremony, but please discuss this with the clergy. There are guidelines as to where the person(s) recording stand during the ceremony- these are to avoid anything that would cause distraction or intrusion during the service.

Photography is allowed during the ceremony at certain points- usually as the Bride enters church; the signing of the registers and as the Couple leave. The official photographer is encouraged to liase with the officiating minister before the ceremony begins. Photographers are not allowed to move around church during the service, nor to use flash photography, except at the signing of the registers.


A wedding ring is a symbol of unending love and faithfulness, and of the commitment you are making to each other. It is entirely up to you whether you have one ring or two. It has become increasingly popular for both partners to be given a ring. There are appropriate vows for whatever you decide.

Signing of the registers

This takes place in the church usually in the middle of the service, after the Blessing of the Marriage. After the signing the photographer will normally want you to pose for some special photographs. The officiating priest will issue a marriage certificate which will be signed by both of you and two witnesses whom you will appoint. The witnesses must be over 18.

Length of the service

The service in church is approximately 45 minutes. It is normally possible to come back into church after the service for any internal photographs. Good external photographs can be in front of the porch, and at the lych gate.

Please don’t be late as there may be another ceremony following yours. Don’t listen to the tradition that the bride must always be late! Lateness often leads to a restless congregation, especially if there are a lot of young children present. It also could mean that the service length would have to be shortened.


Your guests may throw this by the lych gate. Usually the photographer is the one to give permission, so as not to spoil his photographs! If at all possible we recommend the use of bio-degradable confetti.

Orders of service

Some couples like to have their own Order of Service printed. This would have the words of the hymns included and it may be a good ‘keepsake’ afterwards. Please discuss having one with the clergy to ensure accuracy.

Please entrust your orders of service to a reliable person on your wedding day to ensure an early arrival at church and that they don’t get locked in a car boot or forgotten! The church has a copyright permission licence, which will cover the reproduction of your wedding hymns.

What do I do about flowers?

It is always a good idea to brighten up the church with some flowers for your wedding, although there is no need to be extravagant. You may use an external florist, or the small but good Church Flower Team. It may be that somebody else is to be married on the same day and special arrangements can be made to share the flower costs. We do ask that you leave at least one pedestal in church after your ceremony for the church community to enjoy.

We would ask you to ring the Wedding Flower co-ordinator, Mrs Rachel Kaunhoven (01629 814462) to discuss your thoughts on flowers. Where there may be a few weddings over a weekend the Flower Team may advise the use of neutral colours.

What music should I choose?

Most people prefer traditional wedding music as the bride enters and leaves the church – however there is a wide choice of other suitable music to choose from. Our church organist will be very happy to advise you. We do encourage you to be involved in the choice of music and hymns, perhaps with the advice of the organist. Two or three hymns would normally be suitable. A list is below of some suggestions but it is only to help and not meant to limit your choice. Hymns Old and New (Anglican Edition) is used at church. If your hymn request is not available we will try and track it down for you.


Choosing hymns can be difficult. Choose well known hymns your guests will know – here are some possibilities to help you try to decide. The numbers correspond to our church hymn book, which you are welcome to borrow.

4 A new commandment I give unto you
21 All things bright and beautiful
27 Amazing grace
31 And did those feet in ancient time
46 At the name of Jesus
56 Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart
60 Bind us together, Lord
63 Blest are the pure in heart
90 Come down, O love divine
106 Dear Lord and Father of mankind
120 Father, hear the prayer we offer
153 Give me joy in my heart
228 I danced in the morning
242 Immortal, invisible, God only wise
293 Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
296 Let all the world in every corner sing
310 Lord, for the years
313 Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy
321 Love divine, all loves excelling
328 Make me a channel of your peace
337 Morning has broken
354 Now thank we all our God
361 O for a heart to praise my God
372 O Jesus, I have promised
387 O perfect love
405 One more step along the world I go
422 Praise, my soul, the king of heaven
427 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
464 Take my life, and let it be
484 The king of love my shepherd is
490 The Lord’s my shepherd

Please make sure that the tune is the one you want!

Traditional entrance music

Bridal March from Lohengrin – Wagner
Trumpet Voluntary – Jeremiah Clarke
Trumpet Tune and Air – Purcell
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring – Bach
The arrival of the Queen of Sheba – Handel
Canon in D – Pachelbel

During the signing of the registers

Sheep may safely graze- Handel
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring – Bach
Morning – Grieg
Largo – Handel

Traditional music to leave

Wedding March – Mendelssohn

The Ten Commandments!

Here are some important things that will help you:

  1. For a wedding when one partner lives outside the Parish, arrange for the banns to be read in their local Church of England Parish. You won’t be able to do this if you are qualifying for the Electoral Roll, until your name has been included on the roll. The clergy at Bakewell will tell you when to contact another parish priest for the calling of banns, and give you their contact details. Don’t forget to pick up the banns certificate after the third calling at another church and show it to the Minister performing the service at Bakewell or Over Haddon.
  2. Decide if you wish to have orders of service printed by the church and discuss the content with the parish clergy performing the marriage. Make sure they arrive on time on the day of the ceremony.
  3. Contact the church organist if you would like help in choosing your music and hymns for the ceremony.
  4. Contact Rachel Kaunhoven about flowers as soon as possible to discuss your thoughts on what you might like and who you would like to arrange them.
  5. Tell the Parish clergy immediately if any circumstances change – such as your address, or if you need to change dates/times of the ceremony.
  6. Decide if you would like the bells and/or choir.
  7. Arrange for the officiating Minister to sign form PD2 for a honeymoon passport if you are going abroad.
  8. Ensure that a video operator and photographer contact the parish clergy for instructions.
  9. Don’t forget to pay the fees before the wedding. If you are paying by cheque, this will need to be given to the clergy a minimum of two weeks before the ceremony.
  10. Keep in touch with the clergy before the wedding – we like to hear how things are going.

And Finally...

A wedding is one day – a marriage is a lifetime

You have probably already spent many hours planning your wedding. There are so many things to think about – the dress, the cake, whom to invite, the honeymoon. All of these are important, but the wedding is just one day, while marriage should last for the rest of your lives.

Alongside the wedding preparations it is also important to spend time as a couple talking through your expectations of marriage. However much you think you have in common, you are still two separate individuals with different backgrounds, personalities, experiences, hopes and fears.

Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

1 Corinthians 13.4-7

All Saints, Bakewell Wedding Fees 2022

Wedding & Blessing 
Statutory Fees 
 Fee inc Banns Calling at Bakewell £539.00
Local charges paid to relevant individuals etc 
Verger £50.00
Organist (optional)£120.00
Audio/Video recording fee (paid to organist) if the service is recorded £60.00
Bells (optional)£180.00

If you need to have your Banns of Marriage called in another Parish Church in addition to All saints, Bakewell, then there will be a fee of £51 payable to that particular church.

Please contact Rachel Kaunhoven (01629 814462) for further information and to discuss your flower requirements for your wedding, if you would like the Church Team to arrange your wedding flowers.