Bakewell Parish Church

The Church of England in the Heart of the Peak District

Policy and Practice


Policy and Practice

This section contains information on important aspects and policies which help All Saint’s church, Bakewell to grow a strong, safe and caring community.


The PCC is in effect the management committee of the church and is chaired by Revd Canon Tony Kaunhoven, the vicar of the parish. Each year at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting in April, members of the congregation who are on the church electoral roll are elected to serve on the PCC. In addition there are a number of ex officio members of the PCC, including the church wardens and Deanery Synod representative. Together PCC members play a key role in guiding the work and development of the church.

The Parochial Church Council co-operates with the Vicar in promoting in the parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical; considers and discusses matters concerning the Church of England or any other matters of religious or public interest; makes known and puts into effect any provisions made by the diocesan synod or the deanery synod; gives advice to the diocesan synod and the deanery synod on any matter referred to the council, and raises such matters as the council consider appropriate with the diocesan synod or deanery synod.

Guidance notes for PCC members

The PCC meets bimonthly. The draft minutes are posted on one of the church notice boards and approved minutes of the meetings are posted on the website afterwards.

PCC minutes March 2016

Should you wish to add an item to the PCC agenda or raise any matter to do with the church, please contact a member of the PCC or ministry team.
