Bakewell Parish Church

The Church of England in the Heart of the Peak District


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Friends of Bakewell Parish Church

Help Us Preserve the Church

The Parish Church of All Saints was founded in 920. The present church was built in the 12th and 13th centuries with extensive rebuilding in the 19th century.

The much-visited building is used for regular worship, weddings, funerals, baptisms and other celebrations and remembrances.

In addition the building is used for a wide variety of community activities.

The cost of maintaining the building over the centuries has been met by patronage and central church funds but now depends in the main on fundraising by the congregation, on donations and on limited grants.

In September 2006, an acclaimed flower festival raised £20 000 for essential roof repairs.

The Friends of Bakewell Parish Church has been formed to ensure that the church remains at the heart of Bakewell for centuries to come.

All Saints Church Watches Over Bakewell

The Friends of Bakewell Parish Church is a registered charity that exists to help in the work of preserving, restoring, improving and caring for this beautiful building, its furnishings and its grounds.

Lord Edward Manners, Honrary President

“All Saints Church has stood here for 900 years. I am happy to support the aims of the Friends, as my family has been associated with this wonderful building over the centuries. With our help, it will be safe for another 900 years!”

As a Friend You Will...

  • Play a vital part in the preservation and development of this wonderful building with all it means to the local community, and guarantee its service to future generations.
  • Help sustain Bakewell’s heritage.
  • Receive invitations to special events.
  • Receive an occasional Newsletter to keep you in touch.
  • Be asked to the Annual General Meeting of the Friends.
  • Have the opportunity to join the 100 Club.

Anyone Can Become a Friend

The aim of the Friends is the physical preservation of this beautiful building.

The invitation is open to individuals, companies and organisations. Perhaps you were born in Bakewell, christened in the ancient font, were married at All Saints, live or work in the town, or are visiting.

Whatever your interest, we invite you to become a Friend.


Chair of the Friends is currently vacant, we are actively looking for a new Chair, please enquire for further details

Treasurer of the Friends –  please contact Stephen Gray tel: 07912 822824

Living History for Future Generations

One exciting proposal is to preserve the ninth century crosses by having them displayed indoors with an interpretation of the carvings.