Bakewell Parish Church

Coming Services & Online Worship

Services at All Saints Church, Bakewell

Thursdays at 9.30am – Eucharist 


9.00am  – Livestream Reflection and Prayer via Facebook Bakewell All Saints. 
                  (Except: 8.00am on 28 July & 22 September)                                                                                                                                           Available to view later in the day here on the website  (See Below)

10.30am  – Parish Eucharist on 1st, 3rd & 4th Sundays                                                                                                                                               Parish Mission Praise Service led by the Worship Team on 2nd Sundays

        11.00am Benefice Service at Ashford in the Water on 18 August

        10.00am Benefice Service at Sheldon on 29 September

6.00pm – Evensong on 1st & 3rd Sundays  

All Saints is open every day for visitors and prayer 

Online Worship

Here you can view the most recent Sunday videos, as well as a few special services including the first on Palm Sunday 2020.

(Every single video since Palm Sunday 2020 can be viewed on facebook Bakewell All Saints)

Sunday 14 July

Sunday 7 July

Sunday 30 June

Sunday 23 June

Christmas Day 2022

Accession Service to acknowledge Charles III as King

Christmas Day 2020

10 December 2020  Christmas Tree Festival

Palm Sunday 2020